Expectations and Boundaries

Leadership Basics (3 of 3)My goal here is to lay the cornerstones and build a solid working foundation from which one can always weigh things and align against, a true north. I have broken this section into 3 sections, each to be addressed in an individual post.1....

Know One’s Charges

Leadership Basics (2 of 3) My goal here is to lay the cornerstones and build a solid working foundation from which one can always weigh things and align against, a true north. I have broken this section into 3 sections, each to be addressed in an individual post.1....

Leadership Basics

Leadership Basics (1 of 3) My goal here is to lay the cornerstones and build a solid working foundation from which one can always weigh things and align against, a true north. I have broken this section into 3 sections, each to be addressed in an individual post. Lead...

The Manager, The Leader and The Charges

Managers and leaders differ in one major way, the specific detailed development of others.  Yes, managers can and do develop people and generally in one of three ways, two of which are not conducive for an environment of development and growth.  Micro-Management,...

Leadership Development – An Introduction

I have been a lover of operations and leadership for most of my life and I have spent my working life in these areas for 20 years.  It is through this lens that I want to address the current climate on leadership development, or at least what I perceive that to...