
The Task

The Task is the training ground for the trade of being a leader. This is the place where seeds are planted deep and watered. Did one set the conditions for success with their charges, and will the charges heed the lessons taught? Have faith, be bold, and maintain situational awareness. In Action – 3 Parts 2. The Task a. Start the Task Ensure the charge is being productive in their actions (i.e., progress toward the goal). This is NOT about being perfect. It is simply about whether they are inside the deliverable boundary (yes or no). The goal is to foster confidence by allowing them freedom to work. Just because it is not one’s idea or process does not make

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Leadership Apprenticeship In Action

As we saw previously trades go through varying levels of skill: apprenticeship, journeyman, lead technician and master craftsman.  Below we will lay out the standard ground work for how one structures leadership apprenticeship.  This does not need to be overly complicated, onerous or hazardous (physically, personally or professionally), it should simply encompass the charge’s day to day work.  It is an ITERATIVE process,  building skills and knowledge within each task/s so the charge can one day perform at and above standard on all and with confidence to train the junior team members coming on board.  One’s staff is staggered in experience and position so the goal is developing a team that in aggregate can have the same impact as one on a

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Expectations and Boundaries

Leadership Basics (3 of 3)My goal here is to lay the cornerstones and build a solid working foundation from which one can always weigh things and align against, a true north. I have broken this section into 3 sections, each to be addressed in an individual post.1. Lead from the front, here 2. Know one’s charges, here3. Expectations and boundaries  3. Expectations and Boundaries    A leader’s level of expectation on any one endeavor needs to be measured by the resources one has and has NOT provided.  Elbow grease, wit, resourcefulness and vigor can make up for a lot.  However, they will not materialize critical resources one failed to deliver on. Expectations are what the charge is able to accomplish.Boundaries are the limits of expectation and any point at which

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Know One’s Charges

Leadership Basics (2 of 3) My goal here is to lay the cornerstones and build a solid working foundation from which one can always weigh things and align against, a true north. I have broken this section into 3 sections, each to be addressed in an individual post.1. Lead from the front, here 2. Know one’s charges3. Expectations and Boundaries, the framework to grow 2. Know One’s Charges:      a. Who they are: life, dreams and goals      b. Strengths and weaknesses      c. Their expectations of being there a. Every person that comes into the firm brings their life with them, the good and the bad. Each experience influences their behaviors and decision making.  As a leader one’s job is

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